More Podcasts
If the Oyez podcasts aren't enough to fulfill your insatiable lust for hot Article III action, check this out from the University of Chicago Law School. Justice Breyer gave a lecture about judicial activism (I'll bite my tongue and withhold an editorial comment on this), and it's available for download.
I listened to McCreary and Roper tonight. They were pretty good. The only flaw with the podcast/audio system for these oral arguments is figuring out who is who. I know the voices of the Justices pretty well, but even I was getting hung up a few times. When C-SPAN has oral arguments on America and the Courts, they show a picture of the current speaker. I guess I've been spoiled by it.
Since I have an almost parasitic relationship with my iPod, I'm thrilled that more of this judicial material is available in mp3 format. I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything else and link it accordingly.
I listened to McCreary and Roper tonight. They were pretty good. The only flaw with the podcast/audio system for these oral arguments is figuring out who is who. I know the voices of the Justices pretty well, but even I was getting hung up a few times. When C-SPAN has oral arguments on America and the Courts, they show a picture of the current speaker. I guess I've been spoiled by it.
Since I have an almost parasitic relationship with my iPod, I'm thrilled that more of this judicial material is available in mp3 format. I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything else and link it accordingly.