Tucker Max Wins!
Duke Law Grad, website owner, and author Tucker Max wins a lawsuit. The case basically says that a message board owner can't be held liable for posts made by people on the board under the Communications Decency Act. Take a look. I love the opening line...
Tucker has a post on his own blog about the case here. Tucker tries to decide what part of the decision he likes best...
Tucker Max describes himself as an aspiring celebrity "drunk" and "asshole" who uses his website, www.tuckermax.com, to "share [his] adventures with the world."Law can be fun.
Tucker has a post on his own blog about the case here. Tucker tries to decide what part of the decision he likes best...
Here we do so by protecting the coarse conversation that, it appears, never ends on tuckermax.com"The First Amendment is once again safe.
Well, that or the part where a FEDERAL JUDGE quotes someone from my board using the phrase, "getting fisted by an angry gorilla" and "mold your face to what you think you would look like if a leper were about to take a shit in your mouth." Best. Legal. Decision. Ever.