Marquette: Campus of Tolerance and Flying Chicken Ova
More politically motivated eggings.
You know all that talk about how college is an open forum for intellectual debate and discussion? Well, it's a bunch of crap. College campuses are packed full of petulant little brats who can't accept living in a world where someone disagrees with them.
This egging is going to stop eventually. Sometime soon, one of these little thugs is going to shoot his/her mouth off about these late night escapades. If anyone knows who is doing this, they need to report them to DPS or MPD.
EDIT: Apparently, they egged Real Chili too. No blood for chili!
You know all that talk about how college is an open forum for intellectual debate and discussion? Well, it's a bunch of crap. College campuses are packed full of petulant little brats who can't accept living in a world where someone disagrees with them.
This egging is going to stop eventually. Sometime soon, one of these little thugs is going to shoot his/her mouth off about these late night escapades. If anyone knows who is doing this, they need to report them to DPS or MPD.
EDIT: Apparently, they egged Real Chili too. No blood for chili!