One of Those 5-4 Decisions
Today, the Supreme Court decided in a 5-4 vote to allow the Bush Administration to proceed in a deportation. The deportee, a quarrelsome Briton named Kiren Kumar Bharti, was convicted in state courts for a variety of crimes, including drug possession, domestic violence, and resisting arrest. Sounds like a real charming guy.
The five Justices willing to give Bharti the boot were Chief Justice Roberts, Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito. Bloomberg makes a point of IDing Justice Alito's vote, even putting it in the headline. The first sentence of their article is...
EDIT: Here's the link to the actual order.
The five Justices willing to give Bharti the boot were Chief Justice Roberts, Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito. Bloomberg makes a point of IDing Justice Alito's vote, even putting it in the headline. The first sentence of their article is...
A divided U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for deportation of a British man convicted of drug possession and other charges, as Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. cast a deciding vote.I find this a little interesting. Are they spotlighting Alito simply because he is the newest Justice? Chief Justice Roberts is almost as new as Alito. Surely his vote would be as interesting, especially since he is the Chief. Why was it Alito's vote that was deciding? Why wasn't it Roberts' vote or Kennedy's vote that was deciding? Why you gotta pick on Sam? I think it's odd how these articles are worded and framed sometimes. I guess he's stuck in the spotlight as O'Connor's replacement.
EDIT: Here's the link to the actual order.
Hey! This is Kiren Bharti.I never spent a day in jail for any of my crimes which were all misdemeanor crimes all fines paid.Two of the crimes were almost 10 years ago.The domestic violence charges were for spitting on someone.
So do your research before you judge someone.I was member several community and city groups.I was in America for nearly 25 years. From age 4- 26. So everything I learn and been taught was America.America always talks about family values but, I was taken away from my daughter. The judge say he didn't care.So look at the records and you will see that no jail time every served or probation. But, still deportee for crimes I did almost 10 years ago.All my family lives in America.So don't be ignorant and jugde someone before doing your research and talk the people who know.
Posted by
kiren |
6:22 AM
This is kind of cool.
Posted by
Steve |
11:02 PM