Excellent Legal Blog
This is some pretty heavy reading but damn good. Posner pretty much invented the idea of talking about law in terms of economics. His ideas have totally changed the way law is talked about and will guide how it changes in the future. His opinions for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals were shining beacons of rational thought in the abyss of crap that was my Contracts casebook. Becker's no slouch either, but I'm a total Posner mark.
Read their blog and you too can have your thumb on the pulse of the cutting edge of legal thought.
This is some pretty heavy reading but damn good. Posner pretty much invented the idea of talking about law in terms of economics. His ideas have totally changed the way law is talked about and will guide how it changes in the future. His opinions for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals were shining beacons of rational thought in the abyss of crap that was my Contracts casebook. Becker's no slouch either, but I'm a total Posner mark.
Read their blog and you too can have your thumb on the pulse of the cutting edge of legal thought.