Supreme Court Fight Club
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Supreme Court Fight Club.
The first rule of Supreme Court Fight Club is you do not talk about The Slaughterhouse Cases.
The second rule of Supreme Court Fight Club is you do not talk about The Slaughterhouse Cases.
The third rule: someone yells "strict constructionist" or "anti-abortion" or writes columns for National Review, the nomination is over.
The fourth rule is no arguing Marbury v Madison with Senator Spector.
The fifth rule: the Commerce Clause can regulate anything.
The sixth rule: there is no Privileges or Immunities clause to the 14th Amendment.
The seventh rule is the filibuster will go on as long as it has to.
And the eighth and final rule: if you are anywhere to the Right of Senator Schumer, you have to fight.
The first rule of Supreme Court Fight Club is you do not talk about The Slaughterhouse Cases.
The second rule of Supreme Court Fight Club is you do not talk about The Slaughterhouse Cases.
The third rule: someone yells "strict constructionist" or "anti-abortion" or writes columns for National Review, the nomination is over.
The fourth rule is no arguing Marbury v Madison with Senator Spector.
The fifth rule: the Commerce Clause can regulate anything.
The sixth rule: there is no Privileges or Immunities clause to the 14th Amendment.
The seventh rule is the filibuster will go on as long as it has to.
And the eighth and final rule: if you are anywhere to the Right of Senator Schumer, you have to fight.