From My Cold, Dead Hand
The DC Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the Washington, DC handgun ban today. I'm currently hacking my way through the 70-some pages of opinion. The important part is that the DC Circuit, in a 2-1 ruling, said that the Second Amendment contains an individual right to bear arms (as opposed to a collective right, AKA the National Guard right). I'll have more on this later, but right now, I'm going to see 300. I have my priorities.
I expect a review! I like what I've seen in the previews, but I want an outside opinion. Hooray for the DC ruling!
Posted by
Billiam |
2:56 PM
I really enjoyed 300. It was a great action movie, one of those movies that really had you rooting for the characters. There's also a strange subtext concerning the conflict between the West and East... at least according to some of the reviews I've read. I think I'm going to break my habit of just covering legal stuff and post about it in the near future.
And I'm still only partially through the DC Circuit ruling, but I think that Judge Silberman really knocked this one out of the park. There is going to be some major fallout about this case. It's going to be quite interesting.
Posted by
Steve |
2:01 AM
"God so graced me with a spare"...
Posted by
Wonder Woman |
9:26 PM
My new solution for every problem is to kick someone in the chest and yell "THIS IS SPARTA!"
Posts are on their way.
Posted by
Steve |
1:30 AM
Unrelated question that I want you to answer: why is Wisconsin supreme court popularly elected? Would it be advantageous to give them long terms and maybe make their appointments similar to the way in which the US justices are appointed?
What are their term lengths, anyways?
Posted by
nap |
6:12 PM